Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tigers, tigers, burning bright?
Something in the eyes?
Lao Hu (Pretend Yellow Emperor)

Gao Hu (Pretend Ming Emperor)


tao1776 said...

Video night at your place sounds too cool!
Do any of these touch upon Hong Xiuquan and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom?

baroness radon said...

I don't recall that any of the things I have been watching recently are Taiping-related. I'l do a search and see if I can find something.
If not, you must finish that novel for a screenplay! Since True Legend has been releases, I think, Vincent Zhao may be available;-) !!

Last night I watched--finally--"Come Drink With Me."
Have "A Touch of Zen" in the queue -- reviews to follow.

baroness radon said...

While I was writing that, I was thinking of "The Warlords", with Andy Lau, Jet Li and Takeshi Kaneshiro. One of the female protagonists--Andy's wife or love interest, I think -- wore a cross. Although it is not explicitly about Taiping Rebellion and Hong, it is set in the period.

It's a pretty good movie; there doesn't seem to be much else that is Taiping-related.